Mehran Bank : Rs. 2.5 were given to Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif respectively.

Talking to media outside the Supreme Court, Younis Habib revealed that Rs. 340 million were given to form Islami Jamhuri Ittehad (IJI)), and Rs. 3.5 and Rs. 2.5 were given to Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif respectively.

Former ISI Chief Lt. Gen. Asad Durrani on March 10 also admitted before the Supreme Court that on the instructions of the former Army Chief Gen. Mirza Aslam Beg, he distributed money among politicians of IJI, a right-wing political alliance to counter the PPP.

During the Mehrangate investigations of 1993 which led up to the Supreme Court case, Younis Habib as per his statement indicated that besides Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif, other political figures also received money. In this respect, Mir Afzal received Rs. 10 million, Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi Rs. 5 million, Jam Sadiq Ali Rs. 5 million, Mohammed Khan Junejo Rs. 2.5 million, Pir Pagaro Rs. 2 million, Abdul Hafeez Pirzada Rs. 3 million, Yusuf Haroon Rs. 5 million, Abida Hussain Rs. 1 million, Humayun Marri Rs. 5.4 million, Jamaat-e-Islami Rs. 5 million, Mustafa Sadiq Rs. 0.5 million, Arbab Ghulam Aftab Rs. 0.3 million, Pir Noor Mohammad Shah Rs. 0.3 million; Arbab Faiz Mohammad Rs. 0.3 million, Arbab Ghulam Habib Rs. 0.2 million, Liaquat Baloch Rs.1.5 million, Javed Hashmi MNA and others Rs. 50 million, Jam Yusuf Rs.0.75 million, Nadir Magsi Rs.1 million etc.

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