8 Things You Should Never Say to a Woman

8 Things You Should Never Say to a Woman

8 things a woman NEVER wants to hear8 things a woman NEVER wants to hearI am no expert in relationships and I don't really plan to ever become one. I am married and would say 'happily' for going on 8 years now (yeah, that makes me feel old!) and we have been together for 13 years, since high school. Marriage has it's ups and downs and peeks and valleys and is a relationship that takes work as two people change and grow and grow-up.

My husband is a pretty awesome guy. He brought me all my cravings when I was pregnant, held my hand and protected my heart through our hard times and knows how to make me laugh like no one else can. We have this great partnership that's necessary for us to raise our children and they are lucky to have him as well.

The 10 worst things you can say to your husband...and probably do

He is a dude though and sometimes the wires get crossed between what I'm trying to say and what he hears. I won't confess if he's ever said any of these phrases, but I can assure you if he has/does - he will get a good talking to.

read more>>>> http://shine.yahoo.com/love-sex/8-things-never-woman-154600713.html

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